Rajahiihto2023 kuvaesityksenä
Tervehdys,Talvi on taas tullut pohjolaan ja viime talven hiihtovaelluksen aloituksesta on kohta kulunut tasan vuosi. Saapunut talvi, pimeät illat ja näpeät pakkasilmat ovat saaneet tehdyn rajahiihdon pistelehtimään mieleen ja tarttumaan muistikortilla olevan...
To Nuorgam Through Vätsäri And Kaldoaivi
(Finnish article published on the 7th of April) Hello, It has been a great leg this Vätsäri and Kaldoaivi transit towards Nuorgam. I’ve had the chance to experience loneliness and desolation. These were further emphasized by the fact that I emerged from the spruce...
Eating and Sauna in Nellim
(Finnish version published on the 3rd of April) Hi, I arrived in Nellim the day before the maintenance troops arrived in the locality, so what could be better than to take a shower at a local hotel and sit down in the cozy lobby with an Irish coffee to wait for the...